Home Remedies for Cough and Cold!

Coughs and colds are the most common of all health ailments that usually develop due to inflammation of the larynx or the the infections of the respiratory tract.  Home remedies along with some changes in diet and lifestyle prove to be effective in relieving the condition of cough & cold. Find here some of the time-tested remedies to treat this this seasonal ailment effectively-
  • Boil about 5 clove buds in a cup of water. Make it into decoction and have it with honey thrice a day as an expectorant.
  • A tsp of turmeric with a 1/4 tsp of carom seeds & honey can be taken with hot water to treat cough and cold.
  • Take equal amounts of powdered cumin, black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom and mix well. Sniffing this formulation induces sneezing, thus, opens blocked nose due to cold.
  • To cure cough and cold, mix turmeric powder and salt in equal amounts and take a tsp of the same with warm water.
  • While preparing tea, add powdered 2-3 black pepper, ginger, a clove bud and a few basil leaves to the preparation.
  • Take 1/4th tsp powdered black pepper and add sugar to it. Have it with clarified butter to treat all types of cough.
  • To treat cough and cold, massage the chest with warm clarified butter (ghee) with a pinch of salt for few minutes followed by a steam inhalation.
  • Mix a few drops of clove oil and garlic in honey. Take this formulation before retiring to bed. It is said to be beneficial in spasmodic coughs during asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis.
  • For bronchitis, mix powdered clove buds, ginger and black pepper in equal proportions. Half tsp of the same should be administered with honey twice a day.
  • For cough, crush betel leaves and make its paste in water. Apply the same topically over the chest.
The person suffering from cough and cold must cut down the intake of sugar, pickles, spicy, canned food, candies, chocolates, cold drinks and ice-creams. The patient should eat fresh and fibrous foods. Eating lots of fresh fruits, green and leafy vegetables and grains is helpful. Vitamin C rich fruits such as lemon, orange, sweet lime and strawberries are extremely effective in treating cold and cough. The intake of fluids should be increased to keep body hydrated. Salt water gargles prove to be quite effective for soreness of the throat.

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