Home Remedies with Ginger!

Home Remedies with Ginger!
Ginger  (Zingiber officinale) belonging to Zingiberaceae family, is an aromatic spice known for its aromatic, culinary and therapeutic benefits. It is rich in Vitamin A, C, E, B-complex, sodium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, silicon, iron, calcium & essential oils.
Ginger has been used as home remedy for various ailments since ages. In this post, learn about some of such useful & effective remedies in treating common diseases: 
Ginger Tea provides Relief
during Coughs & Colds!
  • For throat infection, take 1/4th tsp of ginger juice with honey twice daily. 
  • In bronchitis, mix equal proportions of powdered ginger, black pepper and cloves & take ½ tsp of this mixture with honey twice everday.
  • For relief from swelling in any part of the body, mix ginger powder into sesame oil and massage over the area.
  • To get relief from gastritis, take 1/4th tsp each of ginger, carom seeds and black salt with warm water after meals.
  • For arthritis, pound and boil about half inch of fresh ginger in two cups of water. Strain and add a tsp castor oil to it. Drink the same before going to bed.
  • Sucking on a piece of ginger is effective in hiccups.
  • To treat cough & cold, take equal proportions of ginger powder with mulaithi mixed in honey and lick it to get relief.
  • In case of nausea & vomiting, mix equal amounts of ginger, basil and mint juice and have it.   
  • For weight lossdrinking ginger tea with black pepper powder is helpful in burning fat.
  • Another way to control weight is to prepare a paste by mixing one tsp of ginger, 1/2 tsp of guggal powder in a tsp of honey. This remedy is said to be useful in reducing weight.
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