Traditional Herbal Remedies for Acidity!

Treat Acidity with Herbs!
In conditions of acidity, there is an excess production of acids by the gastric glands of stomach into the lower esophagus. The major symptoms of the ailment are heartburn, gas formation & blazing pain in the stomach. This article incorporates some natural herbal remedies to treat acidity, that are not only effective they don’t have any side effects as well.
  • To cure acidity, roast a tsp of cumin seeds & carom each. Now boil the seeds in a cup of water till water reduces to half. Add sugar to taste. Strain and drink.
  • Mix equal amounts of powdered clove and cardamom & have a tsp of the same after meals.
  • For acidity, mix equal amounts of Harad with Indian gooseberry powder & store in an air-tight jar. Take a tbsp of the same after meals to get relief from acidity.
  • A mixture of carom & salt can be administered whenever acidity occurs.
  • Boil a tsp of cumin seeds in a liter of water, simmer for about 10 min. Have the same twice daily for a week.
  • Drink pomegranate and beetroot juice (1/2 cup) with a tbsp of honey. Take this empty stomach for a month.
  • Boil a tsp of aniseed in 100 ml water & leave it overnight. Strain  water & add a tsp of honey to it. Have it after meals to cure acidity.
Those suffering from acidity should avoid taking spicy and fried food, aerated drinks, vinegar, chutneys, pickles, chocolates, etc. Cut down on smoking and alcohol consumption. Eating vegetables like cucumber, spring onions, carrot, beans, pumpkin and drumsticks are known to be effective against acidity. Include foods like bananas, lemon, watermelon, jaggery, almonds and yogurt in your diet.

Eat Healthy, Stay Fit!
One may follow any from of exercise like walking, jogging, swimming etc. Yogic exercises like Pranayam (breathing exercise), Surya namaskara (sun salutation), Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose), Pachimottanasana (back spine stretching pose) & Makrasana (crocodile pose) can prove beneficial in those suffering from the ailment. Take adequate sleep and practice managing day to day stress & anxiety.

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